Saturday, 11 February 2012

Gwydyr Mansions

My shooting location will take place at Gwydyr Mansions apartment block which situated along Holland Road, Hove. This specific  location is very accessable for me at the moment  as I've recently moved into the building on a temporary arrangement so  I've been able to observe some of other the resisdents and indentify which ones would make potentially interesting subjects.
Although my idea concentrates on people in their individual apartments, I wanted gather some furthur knoweledge on the building itself to gain a better perpspective of the overall setting that i'm working in. I went along to the local Brighton and Hove mesuem in new church road and came across a brief historical document related to the building. I also talked to one of my immdetiate neighbours, a Mrs Barbara Sheraton, Gywdyr's the longest standing resisdent, who gave me a personal account of her experience living in the block. Barbara moved to the building in the late 1950's, according to her Gwydyr was built in 1887 on jewish owned land,   initailly designed as town houses before being converted into serviced flats. The result of the carving up of the properties means that nearly evey flat is different. The building also has a vague royal connection in that the extended family of Princess Mary, daughter of King George V, became the new owners of the land, after purchasing it off of the jewish community. Unfortunately all other records related to the history of Gwydyr Mansions went up in flames in the fire at Hove Town Hall, so it was valuable to hear about the old days from Barbara. I had hoped to include Barbara as one of my subjects, however she was only prepared to help with historical research rather than be photographed. Despite this I was able to retrieve some old photographs of the building and the surrounding area and here are two copied scans below;

                        Gwydyr Mansions - 1910

View of Palmeria Square & Church Road circa 1930s

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